Why is pi better?

Pi币中国区 问答 1696

1. It mines from your phone. Only one other cryptocurrency does this. It uses no power or data and you can passively earn money. Pi gives the most free money than any other mobile miner.

2. Decenteralized. Nobody owns or controls pi. It’s value is controlled freely by a market and the coin is run by its users. No government currency can claim this.

3. Extremely simple. Other cryptocurrencies take time and money to get involved in with very few profits. With pi you just buy the app and click “mine”

4. Pi’s social layout, pi stays secure while still being a decenteralized cryptocurrency. You prove you are trustworthy by inviting other people, forming friend groups, and in return you mine more.

5. Built in marketplace. Once pi’s marketplace is open to the public you can buy sell and trade with pi from your phone, in the app. No other crypto is like this. With bitcoin you have to search out a select official bitcoin accepting business in person or online.

This is why pi is the best cryptocurrency in its style hands down.


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